Graphene in Beauty

Graphene is a high-tech carbon-based nanomaterial and is the thinnest two-dimensional structure in the world. It has optical, mechanical, and electrical properties that make it uniquely suitable for special applications in biometrics and other fields. Scientists predict it will revolutionize the 21st century and serve to improve human lives in many respects.

Changing the beauty industry

In 2010, Physicists Andre Gehm and Konstantin Novoselov won the Nobel Prize in physics for their discovery of graphene. Since then, this ‘miracle material’ has shown remarkable benefits in applications such as materials science, micro-nano processing, energy, biomedicine and drug delivery. Now, it’s changing the beauty industry with exciting new ways to rejuvenate and beautify skin while protecting against aging. It’s the most exciting beauty breakthrough in years.

Stores and Emits Far Infrared

Graphene is only one atom thick, which is approximately 0.34nm, and hence is classified as a nanomaterial. One of graphene’s most incredible properties is the ability to release far-infrared light waves when heated with skin temperature. It emits a light wave of 515μm which is consistent with the far-infrared wave band of the human body. When used as a beauty treatment, it can go deep into the skin layer, generating effective “resonance” with the water molecules of skin and detoxifying it. Then it further works magic by activating skin cells, promoting facial microcirculation, injecting new energy into cells and stimulating the self-healing properties of human skins.


Intrinsic Anti-Bacterial Effect

Graphene is a form of 2D carbon atoms ion a hexagonald honeycomb shape. Such shape gives them very sharp edges that damage cell envelopes during the contact interaction with specific bacteria. As a result, graphene is naturally anti-bacterial. Numerous research findings showed that graphene is able to reduce inflammation and rejection of the human body.

Easy to Absorb. Enhance Effectiveness

Given its ability to emit far-infrared that helps enlarge the skin pores, graphene essentially operates as a biochemical catalyst that allows all other working ingredients being mixed in the product to quickly penetrate into the skin and be fully absorbed by the skin cells to ultimately enhance the overall product efficacies.

The most expensive raw material on earth…

Graphene is being crowned as “black gold” and is in the same vein as diamond. The cost of making one gram of highly pure graphene is somewhere around USD450, making it the most expensive raw material on earth.

Applying graphene in skincare is no longer a dream and we are one of the pioneers who have made the miracle possible… 

Originated in Japan, the unique graphene-based formulations of MP are simple and minimal…

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